Summer 2020 - "Relentless" the apostle Paul

Join us summer 2020 for our continued journey through the book of Acts.  We will follow Paul's "Relentless" quest to preach the gospel to those who had never heard the good new and ultimately to end up in Rome.

Relentless Truth - Acts 7:44-8:4

The relentless truth of Jesus demands your response.

Relentless Grace - Acts 9:1-22

The relentless grace of Jesus radically changes your life.


Relentless Call - Acts 13:1-12 and 14:24-28

                             The relentless call of Jesus urges you to reach the lost.

Relentless Praise - Acts 16:16-40
The enemies of Jesus will never stop God’s plan so I will praise.

 Relentless Courage - Acts 28:17-31

Relentless courage for Jesus never gives up.